Sunday, January 10, 2010

Verb is a Noun: Scalloped Corn

I was thinking about all the verbs I have read in this cookbook. Verbs I haven't come across for awhile: scalding, folding, sifting. There are lots of actions required in cooking and attentiveness to these actions is essential. One must be astute when folding because it is not to be confused with mixing. I actually stood in my kitchen with a spoon practicing the folding action required for Spanish Cream. It was as if I were completing an "air cooking" activity to make sure I had the deftness required to properly fold.

One of my students announced to me recently that "verb is a noun." No, I kindly corrected him in my teacher voice, a verb is an action word, it is a different part of speech. He, just as kindly, because he is a patient young man resigned to teachers who can't stay ahead of his creative mind, " the word verb is a noun, I looked it up in the dictionary." I smiled at him and nodded in agreement. I hoped he wasn't ready to give up on the idea that I could perhaps teach him something too one day. It occured to me later, while I was thinking of all these cooking verbs, and this student, that truly students choose their teachers. For that matter, children choose their parents too. Children are born to or adopted by parents, students are assigned to teachers but to choose these people is a volitional act. To say, "this is my mother, this is my teacher, is to choose them. And what an honor it is to be chosen as someone's parent, teacher, leader, pastor, friend. It is more than biology and location. It is love, reciprocity, openness.

Sometimes it is saying, as my friend Martha told me recently, that love wins. Sometimes, relationships are difficult, even seemingly impossible. Then we have to say again, I choose to be here with you, in a new and real way.

Doing the mixing, stirring, measuring, and baking is helping me choose to be mother, stepmother, wife, daughter, neighbor, and friend because I am creating these recipes and offering them to the people in my life whom I choose. Why? Because love wins. And that is good news.

Here is the recipe that I made especially for my husband, two daughters, stepson, and soon to be son-in law. They liked it and it is easy. It rounds out a meat and potatoes meal in a warm and comfortable way.

Scalloped Corn
2 cups cooked or canned corn
2/3 cup cracker crumbs
3 T melted margarine
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1 T sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. minced onion
1 cup half and half or milk

Beat the eggs and add milk and cracker crumbs.
Add the corn, onion, seasoning, and melted margarine.
Mix together well and pour in a casserole dish (lightly sprayed or buttered)
Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
Choose to serve it with love.

This recipe is adapted from a recipe submitted by Mrs. Walter Weaver and Mrs. Henry Huber to the Mennonite Community Cookbook (1950).

Keep choosing,cooking and loving,

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